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Spanning Tree

A spanning tree of an undirected graph is a subgraph that contains all the vertices of the original graph and is also a tree. In other words, it is a connected, acyclic subgraph of the original graph.

The purpose of finding a spanning tree of a graph is to identify a subset of edges that connect all the vertices without creating any cycles. A spanning tree can be useful in network design and optimization, as it can be used to identify redundant or unnecessary connections.

Spanning Tree

There are several algorithms for finding a spanning tree of a graph, including Prim’s algorithm, Kruskal’s algorithm, and depth-first search. These algorithms vary in their time complexity and the specific strategy used to choose edges.

Once a spanning tree is found, it can be used to find the shortest path between any two vertices in the original graph. The weight of a spanning tree is the sum of the weights of its edges, and finding the minimum weight spanning tree is a common optimization problem in computer science.

Example usage

One example usage of a spanning tree is in computer networks, where it can be used to prevent loops and ensure that data is transmitted efficiently.

Suppose we have a network of interconnected devices, represented as vertices in a graph, and communication links between them, represented as edges. If there are multiple paths between two devices, data packets may travel in loops, leading to congestion and delays. By finding a spanning tree of the network, we can identify a set of connections that connect all the devices without creating any loops.

For example, let’s say we have a network of five devices, A, B, C, D, and E, with connections between them as follows:

A — B — C
| |

To find a spanning tree of this network, we could use Kruskal’s algorithm or Prim’s algorithm, both of which would identify the following connections:

A — B

This subset of connections creates a spanning tree that connects all the devices without creating any loops. We could then use this spanning tree to ensure efficient data transmission, by forwarding data packets along the connections in the tree without creating any loops.

Are MST and Spanning Tree same

The terms “Minimum Spanning Tree” (MST) and “Spanning Tree” are related but not exactly the same thing.

A Spanning Tree of an undirected graph is any tree that includes all the vertices of the original graph. In other words, it is a subgraph that is both connected and acyclic. There may be many possible spanning trees for a given graph.

A Minimum Spanning Tree, on the other hand, is a spanning tree with the minimum possible total weight (sum of edge weights) among all the possible spanning trees of a given graph. In other words, it is a spanning tree that connects all the vertices of the graph with the smallest total cost.

For example, consider the following graph:

 | \   / |
1|  5  |4
 | /   \ |

There are several possible spanning trees of this graph, such as:

A---B   A---B   A   B
|       |       |   |
C---D   C   D   C---D

However, there is only one Minimum Spanning Tree, which is:

 |   |

This spanning tree has a total weight of 6, which is the minimum possible weight among all the possible spanning trees of this graph.

Therefore, while every Minimum Spanning Tree is a Spanning Tree, not every Spanning Tree is a Minimum Spanning Tree.

How spanning tree is differ from other trees

A Spanning Tree is a special type of tree that connects all the vertices of an undirected graph, while excluding any cycles. Here are some differences between a Spanning Tree and other types of trees:

  1. Unlike Binary Trees, which have at most two children per node, a Spanning Tree can have any number of branches, depending on the number of edges in the original graph.
  2. Unlike AVL Trees, Red-Black Trees, or other types of balanced trees, which are typically used for efficient search, insertion, and deletion operations, a Spanning Tree is not typically used for these purposes. Instead, its primary purpose is to provide a subgraph that connects all the vertices of a graph, while avoiding cycles.
  3. Unlike Decision Trees or other types of trees used in machine learning and decision-making applications, which are typically built using a specific algorithm or heuristic, a Spanning Tree can be constructed using various algorithms, such as Prim’s algorithm, Kruskal’s algorithm, or DFS.
  4. Unlike Trie Trees, which are used for fast string matching and prefix search, a Spanning Tree is not specifically designed for any particular application or problem. Rather, it is a general-purpose tool that can be used in various contexts where a connected, acyclic subgraph is required.

In summary, a Spanning Tree is a type of tree that is primarily used to represent a subgraph of an undirected graph that connects all its vertices, while excluding any cycles. It differs from other types of trees in its purpose, construction, and typical usage.

How to implement MST

There are various algorithms to implement a spanning tree of an undirected graph, including Prim’s algorithm, Kruskal’s algorithm, and depth-first search. Here are brief explanations of these algorithms:

  1. Prim’s Algorithm:
    • Start with a vertex, say vertex 0, and add it to a set called MST (minimum spanning tree).
    • Then, add the edge with the smallest weight that connects a vertex in MST to a vertex not in MST.
    • Repeat this process until all vertices are in MST.
  2. Kruskal’s Algorithm:
    • Sort all the edges in the graph by weight.
    • Then, add the edge with the smallest weight that does not create a cycle.
    • Repeat this process until there are (V-1) edges in the tree, where V is the number of vertices in the graph.
  3. Depth-First Search:
    • Start at a vertex and explore as far as possible along each branch before backtracking.
    • During the exploration, mark each visited vertex as part of the tree.
    • If the search encounters an already visited vertex, it skips it to avoid creating a cycle.

To implement these algorithms, you can use programming languages like Python, Java, or C++. Here is an example Python code to implement Prim’s algorithm:

import heapq

def prim(adj_matrix):
    n = len(adj_matrix)
    visited = [False] * n
    MST = []
    heap = [(0, 0)]

    while heap:
        (w, v) = heapq.heappop(heap)
        if visited[v]:

        visited[v] = True
        MST.append((w, v))

        for u in range(n):
            if not visited[u] and adj_matrix[v][u] > 0:
                heapq.heappush(heap, (adj_matrix[v][u], u))

    return MST[1:] # return edges without the first edge as it connects to an arbitrary starting vertex

This code takes an adjacency matrix as input and returns a list of edges representing the minimum spanning tree using Prim’s algorithm. You can similarly implement other algorithms in your preferred programming language based on the pseudocode provided.


A Spanning Tree is a type of tree that is used to represent a subgraph of an undirected graph that connects all its vertices, while excluding any cycles. It can be constructed using various algorithms, such as Prim’s algorithm, Kruskal’s algorithm, or DFS. Unlike other types of trees, such as Binary Trees, AVL Trees, Red-Black Trees, Decision Trees, or Trie Trees, a Spanning Tree is not specifically designed for any particular application or problem, but rather is a general-purpose tool that can be used in various contexts where a connected, acyclic subgraph is required. A Minimum Spanning Tree is a special case of a Spanning Tree that has the minimum possible total weight among all the possible spanning trees of a given graph.


Here are some frequently asked questions about Spanning Trees:

What is the purpose of a Spanning Tree?

A Spanning Tree is used to represent a subgraph of an undirected graph that connects all its vertices, while excluding any cycles. It is a general-purpose tool that can be used in various contexts where a connected, acyclic subgraph is required.

What is the difference between a Spanning Tree and a Minimum Spanning Tree?

A Spanning Tree is any tree that includes all the vertices of the original graph, while a Minimum Spanning Tree is a spanning tree with the minimum possible total weight (sum of edge weights) among all the possible spanning trees of a given graph.

What algorithms can be used to construct a Spanning Tree?

Several algorithms can be used to construct a Spanning Tree, such as Prim’s algorithm, Kruskal’s algorithm, or DFS.

What applications or problems can benefit from using a Spanning Tree?

Spanning Trees can be used in various contexts where a connected, acyclic subgraph is required, such as in network design, clustering, data analysis, and optimization.

Can a Spanning Tree have cycles?

No, a Spanning Tree is a subgraph that excludes any cycles by definition. If a tree includes cycles, it is not a Spanning Tree.

How many Spanning Trees can a graph have?

The number of possible Spanning Trees of a graph depends on its size and topology. A complete graph with n vertices has n^(n-2) possible Spanning Trees, while a tree with n vertices has only one Spanning Tree.

What is the minimum number of edges a graph must have to have a Spanning Tree?

A graph must have at least n-1 edges to have a Spanning Tree, where n is the number of vertices.

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